Repository | Lincoln Cathedral |
Author | Bernard of Clairvaux |
Bede |
Beda |
Title | Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermons; Beda, Comm. in Cantica Canticorum |
Alt Ref No | B. 2. 7 |
Notes | Sec. fol. fit uia. History: Cat. vet. 69, an addition in a late 13th-cent. hand; Cat. 72; Wren Cat. C.8; Garvey D 3.3; Apthorp, p.278; Woolley, p.126. |
Date | 12th century |
Description | F.1, once a pastedown, blank. F.1v 'Beda In Cantica Cantic. C. 8' in the usual 17th-cent. Lincoln hand. At the head of f.2 'Beda in cantica cantic", in a rough late 12th-cent. hand, to which the usual anglicana hand of c.1300 has added 'prec' xii s'. F.2v blank. 1. Bernard of Clairvaux, Sermons Schn. 186 and 187, as a single item. Ff.3-4v. 'Erant ibi posite lapideae sex ydrie … ; Intelligimus has vi. ydrias positas esse sex obseruantias servis Dei propositas … ut ex seruo proueharis in filium'. Bernardi Opera VI. iii, pp.280-286. At the head of f.3 is 'Beda in Cantica Canticor. C 8' in Garvey's hand. 2. Beda, Comm. in Cantica Canticorum Ff.4v-96v. F.97rv blank. '(ff.4v-6) Incipiunt capitula in libros sex cantici canticorum. Primum capitulum. Synagoga Dominum uenire desiderat … (Capitula Lectionum in Cantica Canticorum; Clavis 1363c; Steg. 1642; PL 91.1077-1079); Incipit prologus uenerabilis Bedae presbiteri in libros sex cantici canticorum. Cantica canticorum in quibus sapientissimus regum Salomon … ab osculis oris sui et caetera. Explicit prologus. Incipit liber primus expositionis uenerabilis Bedae presbiteri super cantica canticorum (f.6v). Osculetur me osculo oris sui. Quod est aperte dicere Obsecro … merentur montes aromatum. Explicit liber quintus uenerabilis Bedae presbiteri in expositione supra cantica canticorum'. Steg. 1610; PL 91. 1083C-1222D (CCSL 119B, pp.167-358). |
ImageData | MS 165 f.6v part. Copyright Lincoln Cathedral Library. Permission of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Cathedral |
Location | Lincoln Cathedral Library |
Physical Description | Binding: Standard Lincoln 19th-cent. reusing flush, bevelled wooden boards. The front board has a mark from a chain-staple at the foot, and two strap-marks. A paper leaf at each end. Lincoln Cathedral bookplate inside the front cover. Paper labels on the spine: M.S. BEDA CANTICA CANTICORUM / 165 / B. 2. 7. Construction: 97 parchment leaves, 350 x 240 (245 x 150) mm., pencil-ruled in 2 cols of 34 lines. Pricked in both margins. Collation: a singleton, 1-12⁸. The quires numbered, in roman numerals, at the foot of the last verso; also quire-signatures of the usual late medieval form. Hands: Written throughout, including rubrics, in one expert English hand. The lemmata are in red. A few corrections, notes and pencilled chapter-numbers, some apparently by the early 14th-cent. annotator of MSS 25, 141-142, 152, 155, 157. Decoration: (1) Art.1 opens with a 6-line E in green, blue, red and silver, art.2 bk.I (f.6v) with an O in gold on blue with foliage, enclosed by a square scarlet ground. These initials are in 'Channel Style'. (2) The other books of art.2 open with initials in 2-3 colours of red, blue and green. |
Language | Latin |
Level | Item |
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